What’s the Next Big Thing in Fleet Maintenance?


What’s the Next Big Thing in Fleet Maintenance?

Is your fleet operation always months, years (or maybe even decades) behind the latest technology trends?

Maybe you’re still trying to implement GPS tracking and telematics. Or you’ve discussed whether or not your fleet can benefit from electric vehicles, but that’s as far as the conversation went.

We get it. Your day-to-day job is so hectic, who has time to think about the future of the fleet industry and upcoming technology?

Well, fortunately for you, we do.

Check out these areas that are expected to be the next up-and-coming trends in fleet maintenance.

Enhanced Autonomous Vehicle Technology

Autonomous vehicles are not new, but thanks to emerging technology, they will have more capabilities than ever before. Now, if you’re thinking, “my fleet doesn’t need self-driving vehicles,” that’s OK. There are many features of AVs that can benefit your fleet – many of which you might already be using.

Automated driving systems can alert drivers when they are out of their lane or when there is a vehicle in their blind spot, and they can even brake automatically if a vehicle ahead suddenly slows down or stops. These safety features use sensors, cameras, radars, and software to help drivers avoid accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 94 percent of serious accidents are caused by human error.

And yes, AVs also include self-driving cars.

New capabilities are expected to emerge with the advancement of technology like GPS tracking WiFi and 5G. This is expected to let fleet vehicles connect to each other (through data sharing and communication) in the cloud – helping to detect and self-diagnose problems to keep the fleet more efficient.


Increased Importance of Data Security

Fleet operations use a plethora of data each day to make decisions about routes, maintenance, drivers, the weather, and more. Using this information can keep your fleet productive by ensuring your operation is saving time, fuel, and labor whenever possible. And with more technology and capabilities emerging every day, the amount of data is only expected to increase.

Therefore, this data must be protected. If the data is breached it can put your operation at risk and can even lead to safety issues if there is a flaw in the system. While your fleet operation makes its priority list for the coming years, make sure investing in data security is near the top.

The Impact of 5G

By now you’ve likely heard the term “5G” on cell phone carrier commercials, but it also has larger impacts – including on your fleet.

The increased connectivity 5G provides can allow your operation to be more productive, reduce lag time when using software and technology, and increase collaboration. Your drivers will be able to communicate better with the shop via their mobile devices or their apps from the road. And your shop employees will benefit from faster speeds when using software or apps to perform daily tasks. This can reduce the time employees spend on jobs and administrative work.

Boosting your fleet’s current technology, software and devices can help your operation fully take advantage of the increased capabilities 5G offers.


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