RTA Software Solutions

Can I track meters in kilometers or engine hours? expand_more expand_less

Yes, you can use RTA to track any Primary or Alternate meters to push PM notifications and monitor asset lifecycles.

Is hardware required to track my asset? expand_more expand_less

No, you won't need any hardware to manage your fleet assets.

Does RTA provide Driver Pre/Post Trip Inspections? expand_more expand_less

Yes, RTA Inspect is an available tool for drivers and operators to track inspections and submit service requests to the maintenance shop.

Can I track live labor transactions? expand_more expand_less

Absolutely. RTA Paperless Shop is designed for on-the-go technicians. Utilizing SRT times throughout the system, techs can clock on and off of jobs, notating real-time labor transactions for proper productivity and shop utilization analysis.

Can I set up custom preventive maintenance schedules with notifications to my operators and shop? expand_more expand_less

Yes, each asset has its own PM schedule that will trigger operators, departments, and the shop when service is coming due, allowing proper lead time, promoting PM compliance, and ensuring vehicle safety. You can customize PM schedules for each asset, or templated to groups for data consistency.

Is there a calendaring tool to keep my shop organized? expand_more expand_less

RTA Shop Scheduler lets techs schedule days out and allows you to assign them jobs by type, location, and time. The Scheduler can be viewed from any browser or mobile device so techs are kept up to date no matter where they're working.

Does RTA use barcoding? expand_more expand_less

Yes, barcoding has become an essential and time-saving component of any modern shop. You can read barcode labels from traditional scanners (available for purchase through RTA) or via the RTA Mobile App for inventory counting, posting, or adjustments.

Can images, files, and notes be saved towards part files? expand_more expand_less

Yes, all file types can be saved directly and easily into RTA with drag-and-drop or browse functionality. There are no storage limitations on files in RTA.

Can RTA track multiple part locations? expand_more expand_less

Each part file can save up to 5 unique locations by resource center. Receiving and posting parts allows for location details to keep inventory counts accurate.

Can I create my own custom vehicle inspections? expand_more expand_less

Yes, we understand that your practices exist for a reason, including any existing inspection formats. Create fully customized inspection forms for routine and emergency inspections. RTA support can even help create custom inspections as needed.

Does RTA have inspection templates I can use to get started? expand_more expand_less

Yes, we have a list of predetermined inspections available upon request (at no additional charge) if you're just getting started with routine inspections.

Will a failed inspection line automatically create a work order line? expand_more expand_less

This is an option that we leave up to our users. System preferences allow for failed inspection lines to either generate a new work order line upon submission or simply mark an inspection line as failed, allowing for existing practices to take the lead.

How frequently do RTA dashboards reconfigure data? expand_more expand_less

RTA Dashboards are a live-view of current setting and data, so the dashboard views will update in real-time.

Can reports be exported out of RTA? expand_more expand_less

RTA reports can be exported in various formats for data and historical sharing. Formats include PDF, CSV, TXT, Excel, and RTF.

Can I schedule reports to be auto-sent or auto-exported? expand_more expand_less

Yes, reports and dashboard reviews can be scheduled to run and export based on a regular occurrence. Identify the recipients of this scheduled report and set the interval or trigger to have the data automatically exported to an individual or group.

Does RTA allow me to create my own custom reports? expand_more expand_less

Yes, the RTA Report Writer allows any user with credentials to either duplicate and manage existing reports or generate their own custom reports from scratch. RTA provides access to the appropriate data-tables so users can easily configure their data without requiring a development or engineering degree.

Can I set up custom preventive maintenance schedules with notifications to my operators and shop? expand_more expand_less

Yes, each asset has its own PM schedule that will trigger operators, departments, and the shop when service is coming due, allowing proper lead time, promoting PM compliance, and ensuring vehicle safety. You can customize PM schedules for each asset, or templated to groups for data consistency.

Can I sublet repairs performed by a vendor outside of my organization? expand_more expand_less

Yes, RTA allows for outside work order management, including warranty jobs and parts. Attach invoice details and apply costs directly to an asset for a better total cost of ownership.

Can my team receive notifications when PMs are due? expand_more expand_less

Yes, drivers, operators, and supervisors can receive notifications via in-app reminders, text messages, or emails.

How does RTA track PM compliance? expand_more expand_less

PM compliance is the percentage of preventive maintenance jobs performed "on time." Set PM due thresholds based on individual intervals for each asset. You can also allow a "Tolerance" margin. RTA calculates the completion of on-time PMs in your PM compliance report.

How can I notify my departments and stakeholders when their PM is due? expand_more expand_less

Notifications for PM jobs coming due or past due can be sent to any contact. Alert department heads, notify drivers, and create a notification hierarchy for PMs past due to get the right eyes on the job. Contacts do NOT have to be RTA users.

How does RTA track multiple PM jobs due at the same time? expand_more expand_less

RTA uses the nesting method to set PM schedules within others, avoiding the need for unnecessary come-back work orders. Jobs such as common inspections can be nested within an oil change, which can be nested into a tune-up. All jobs come due together so everyone can use their time most effectively.

Can I track PMs based on multiple trigger points and intervals? expand_more expand_less

Yes, RTA allows you to set PMs based on multiple meters, such as time, miles, engine hours, trips, kilowatt hours, etc. If any meter is triggered, the job comes due.

Can I tie a part kit/inspection to a PM schedule? expand_more expand_less

Yes, set PM schedules to have pre-determined part kits and recommended inspections. This encourages consistency and accuracy as techs can follow the same practices with each routine job.

Can I post inventory directly from a PO to a work order? expand_more expand_less

Yes, both known and unknown part files can be ordered and either saved to inventory, added to inventory, or posted in any quantity to a work order line. Both parts personnel and techs can post transactions, depending on their access settings. 

Can I bill out my various departments for their work on an interval basis? expand_more expand_less

Yes, each transaction in RTA is associated with an asset's customer, department, and/or facility for straightforward billing. Both built-in and customized reports can be exported, scheduled, or emailed directly from RTA to an individual or group.

Does RTA help me organize multiple vendors for individual parts? expand_more expand_less

Yes, each Part file can have unlimited vendor links with details specific to each vendor. Track time-to-receipt, cost/purchase history, manufacturer details, and vendor contact information from within the part file. Organize and prioritize vendor details to expedite the ordering process.

Does RTA have a Mobile App? expand_more expand_less

Yes, RTA Mobile is the in-shop tool used by Administrators and Shop personnel for Work Orders and Parts processing.

Can I fulfill service requests and work orders from the mobile app? expand_more expand_less

RTA Mobile comes equipped with Paperless Shop, a tool used by Technicians to track real-time labor transactions. Clocking into a job, posting transactions, and fulfilling inspections are all available to the end user from within the app.

Can a technician track their schedule on the go? expand_more expand_less

Yes, RTA Shop Scheduler is linked to the Technician's screen, including a live view of their daily calendar.

What are the 4 Pillars of Fleet Success? expand_more expand_less

The Four Pillars of Fleet Success are Stakeholder Satisfaction, Intentional Culture, Resource Efficiency, and Risk Management. This proven framework helps fleet leaders measure the total health of their operations.

Where did the 4 pillars of fleet success come from? expand_more expand_less

CEO of RTA, Josh Turley, along with key members of his Executive Team with award-winning fleet management experience, recognized that successful fleets have four focused areas in common. With those in mind, some focused on data and others on the environment and job satisfaction, RTA built a tool to track specific data points routinely, providing a live view of success indicators that can be matched up against others in the industry.

How can I improve my Fleet Success Score? expand_more expand_less

RTA is more than the best Fleet Management Software on the market. With a full-time, US-based Customer Support team, dedicated Customer Success agents, free monthly training, and award-winning Consultants, we provide the "how" to the "what." Basic best practices can assist in improving Resource Efficiency and Risk management. One-on-one time with goal-oriented support representatives is available to help set goals and develop plans to track and improve Stakeholder Satisfaction and Intentional Culture.

What is an eNPS score? expand_more expand_less

Your employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a metric to track internal job satisfaction by measuring employees' readiness to recommend their company to others. This score, along with a few quick comments, can help organizations with something as complicated as turnover by opening the lines of communication between employees and employers.

Fleet Management Consulting

How can my organization benefit from a consulting study? expand_more expand_less

Organizations rely on consultants for many reasons.

Consultants can assess operations and identify areas for improvement, identify tactics to reduce costs, define ways to optimize the size and composition of your fleet, provide expertise in specific areas that your organization may not have, meet temporary staffing needs, and generally provide advice and services to help your fleet succeed.

What are the most common types of consultant projects? expand_more expand_less

While our fleet consultants can essentially address any of your fleet management or maintenance concerns, our most common consulting engagements center around the following issues; fleet right sizing, fleet replacement planning, fleet sustainability, fleet operational assessments, fleet performance, cost charge-back analysis, fleet maintenance facility programming, fleet policy and procedure development, fleet technology implementation, and optimal life cycle analysis.  

Why would I want to use a consultant? expand_more expand_less

Fleet Managers rely on consultants for a number of reasons. Sometimes it is for an unbiased review of their operations to see if their business practices and performance are aligned with industry standards. At other times it is to help justify the need for additional staffing resources or more money for fleet replacement. And in some instances, they simply do not have the time or expertise to conduct complex data analysis, develop fleet policies or procedures, or any number of other tasks that may be required.

Isn't hiring a consultant expensive? expand_more expand_less

Not at all. It is true that while some consulting engagements can be quite expensive, it really depends on the project type, complexity, and expected outcomes for each individual client. Some of our clients simply want a quick diagnostic review to determine the health of their fleet operation while others want an in-depth and comprehensive review of all critical areas of their program complete with data analysis, benchmarking, detailed recommendations, and implementation services.

Rest assured that we can tailor our services and projects to meet just about any budget requirement that you may have and still ensure that you gain valuable insight into your fleet operation.

What type of fleet experience do RTA consultatnts have? expand_more expand_less

Our consultants are the most experienced fleet professionals in North America. They have real world experience managing fleets across just about every industry including government, corporate, waste management, universities, public safety, transit, student transportation, and more.

Together they have more than 200 years of fleet experience turning wrenches and managing fleets and have provided fleet advisory services to more than 500 fleets throughout the world over the last three decades with fleets from a couple dozen vehicles to fleets with more than 200,000 assets.

Fleet360 Transition

Is there a fee to upgrade to Fleet360 from Classic? expand_more expand_less

This completely depends on your current RTA subscription status.

If your organization is currently paying for RTA SaaS, meaning logins to Classic are happening through the RTA Remote Desktop Protocol, then access to Fleet360 is ALREADY enabled at no additional charge. Simply login. 

If your organization is currently using an On-Premise server to house your data, and is not connected to the RTA server, then access to Fleet360 will require an upgrade. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for pricing details. 

When do I need to have a decision to use Fleet360/Mobile or RTA Classic made by? expand_more expand_less

The official de-coupling date is January 1, 2025. 

This means roughly 14 months from when this choice was officially announced. 

Users can begin transitioning from Classic to Fleet360 right away, if they have RTA SaaS built into their subscription. If not, contact your Customer Success Manager for upgrade/migration questions. 

Do my current Custom Reports automatically carry over to Fleet360? expand_more expand_less

For any custom reports that have been paid for, we will find a way to make sure they are "made whole," so RTA will ensure that either the report in question has an alternate point of data access, or we will port that report over for your account. 

What is the difference between RTA SaaS and Fleet360? expand_more expand_less

RTA SaaS (software as a service) is the general term that covers the cloud-hosting services that RTA offers. Customers that have a SaaS Subscription will have access to both RTA Classic (through a remote desktop icon) as well as RTA Web (through app.rtafleet.com on your preferred browser). 

Fleet360 is the name of the web application of RTA, accessed from app.rtafleet.com. Your data must be cloud-hosted to use this environment. Fleet360 uses the same data as Classic currently, but as of January 1, 2025 these databases will be decoupled causing users to choose one or the other. 

How often are new features released in Fleet360? expand_more expand_less

New features and updates to existing practices are updated roughly every 8 weeks. New features and version details can be viewed at any time from the "Release Notes" tile on the Home Screen in RTA.

Does Fleet360 integrate with Telematics solutions? expand_more expand_less

Yes, for an example list of RTA Integrations, please see RTA Partner Integrations. 

Integrations are not limited the the link above, as RTA has an Open API. Questions on setting up a new integration can be asked with our support engineers, or by submitting a request through our feedback process. 

What will happen with my fuel integration? expand_more expand_less

All current data in RTA Classic either already exists or will exist after a migration to Fleet360, this includes electronic fueling integrations. 

As fueling integrations are included in all SaaS subscription tiers, this would also be a great time to set one up or correct one that is miscommunicating. 

What type of training options are available to get started with RTA on Fleet360? expand_more expand_less

There are several options available to every user:

  • RTA Role-Based Training (Registration)
  • RTA Resource Center - Comprised of tutorial videos, guided tours, the RTA Knowledge Base and the AI Fleet Bot tool
  • The RTA Knowledge Base (Docs
  • Setup time with your Customer Success Manager to schedule your migration steps
Will I lose any of my data by switching to Fleet360? expand_more expand_less

Data is stored on a SQL server and is currently paired between Classic and Web. 

All RTA Classic data either has been, or can be migrated to the Fleet360 format. In fact, with more storage capabilities and added customizable fields, Fleet360 can easily house additional data that Classic cannot, such as drag-and-drop attachments and custom data fields for Assets and Parts. 

Do I lose any functionality by making the transition to Fleet360? expand_more expand_less

Most daily tasks have been reimagined for the modern-day technician either within the shop, or on-the-go. 

This means that practices and screens have changed from Classic, such as Paperless Shop, lookup lists, and system navigation. 

If we are missing features or functionality, please provide the appropriate feedback so that your experience will be a positive one moving forward. Keep in mind that there are still many features that are being built and migrated, but 98% of all Classic Features have been ported over to Fleet360 and were either replicated or replaced. 

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