The New RTA: What You Need to Know about Web and Classic

Last October, I made a pretty big announcement about the future of RTA and its different configurations. RTA has continued to innovate since we introduced our first DOS based system in 1982. Over 20 years ago we transitioned from DOS to the Windows based RTA Classic version, which is still in use today for many of our customers. In 2022, we introduced the early version of RTA Web, which includes the RTA mobile application.  

Today, I want to give you some updates on that, as well as call your attention to things we are doing that may help in your transition and adoption of RTA Web. 

For those who would rather listen or watch me explain the changes, I put together this video that summarizes the information in this article. For those who would rather read than watch me talk for several minutes, feel free to keep reading. 


Renaming RTA Web to RTA Fleet360  

The first thing to announce: We’re rebranding RTA Web to RTA Fleet360.   


There’s been a lot of confusion over just what exactly Web is, and we see this as an important step to help it stand out from its predecessor.   

As a reminder, this is Classic: 

Asset Management (600 x 600 px) (1200 x 1200 px) (3)

And this is Web (now Fleet360): 

Asset Management (600 x 600 px) (1200 x 1200 px)

For us, Fleet360 represents creating a complete fleet system that gives you a comprehensive view of your fleet from any angle. Dashboards are spread across the system in each module, putting actionable insights right where you need to see it, always.  

While Classic was initially just a new face on the original DOS application, with Fleet360, we’re reimagining what’s possible with a fleet management information system (FMIS) and designing something that will sustain fleets for the next 20 years and beyond.   

So, if you are logging in, and it looks like Classic, then you are not using the new Web/Fleet360 version. Even if you are running it in a web browser, if it looks like Classic, that’s because it is.   

To access Fleet360, just visit, and login with your normal RTA credentials. Your automated tour guides await! Then, bring your questions to one of our live weekly webinars by signing up here 

Why We’re Making This Change  

As a reminder, today you can utilize either the Classic or Fleet360 versions of RTA as part of your Cloud/SaaS subscription. They stay in sync with one another, so you can also use these versions side-by-side, switching back and forth as needed.  

However, the common data requires that we maintain backwards compatibility between RTA Classic and RTA Fleet360. This limits our ability to innovate with Fleet360 and slows down the performance potential of the new platform. As of today, there are about 50 crucial features we want to build from our customer wish list that are currently blocked by Classic’s dependency.   

In order to prepare for future development and functionality in RTA Fleet360, we need to separate the two systems—like unhitching a sports car from the back of an RV. The plan is to decouple them on June 30th, 2025. Once that decoupling happens, the systems will split, you will no longer be able to use the two versions side by side and you will need to stick with one or the other.   

If you work backwards from that date, it requires you to switch to your system of choice before we decouple the systems. How long it takes depends on your size and situation, but we recommend starting early!  

What Does This Mean if I Love Classic?  

For the foreseeable future (3-5 years at least), we will continue to maintain and support RTA Classic, so there is not a requirement to transition to RTA Fleet360.   

I’m going to say it again: We are not sunsetting RTA Classic. You can continue to use it as it is today if you don’t want to use Fleet360 (Web or Mobile). We’ll continue doing bug fixes in Classic and keeping it operational for as long as time and resources allow.  

However, new development efforts and functionality will focus on RTA Fleet360 and will not be available in RTA Classic. Also note that the RTA Mobile app will only function with the RTA Fleet360 platform and will not be compatible with RTA Classic. If you choose to stay on Classic, you will not have access to either of the newer systems.  

When Do I Need to Act?  

In an update to what we announced last year, the official split will now occur on June 30, 2025.  

As of July 1st, 2025, you will only be able to use either RTA Classic or RTA Fleet360, but not both together. It’s very important that you develop a plan for your organization now. We’ll be in touch so you can let us know which version you plan to use prior to the end of the year. The sooner you can plan, the smoother your move will be!   

In fact, if you’ve already made the jump to Fleet360, you can ask us to shut off access to RTA Classic very soon, and you’ll see a performance improvement in Fleet360. In our tests, we’ve seen decent performance improvements, especially in WOs and POs, giving you and your staff a smoother and more streamlined experience.  

I’m Already on SaaS, Isn’t that the Same as RTA Web, Fleet360, or Whatever You’re Calling it?  

No. SaaS currently means any and all of Classic, Web, and Mobile. It’s kind of an all-encompassing term, like Cloud or Hosted.   

Classic looks like an old Windows program with gray screens and menus everywhere. Some people have been accessing Classic through a web browser, but this isn’t RTA Fleet360. It’s just a different remote client.   

Asset Management (600 x 600 px) (1200 x 1200 px) (3)

RTA Fleet360 looks like a modern application (think Facebook, Google, Spotify, or iTunes). It runs directly in the web browser and shrinks and expands with your screen size.  

Asset Management (600 x 600 px) (1200 x 1200 px)

RTA Mobile runs on Mobile (Android or iOS) and you’d install it from the app stores instead of running it from the browser.  

Asset Management (600 x 600 px) (1200 x 1200 px) (2)

So, if what you are using looks like it was built in the 90s… it probably was, and you aren’t using Fleet360. Try it out here:    

What Do I Need to Decide Again?  

To recap the decision, a reminder of the three choices ahead of you:  

Option 1: Transition to RTA Fleet360  

We’re currently completing development of current RTA Classic features in RTA Fleet360. With 94% of this functionality available today, customers can transition to Fleet360, role-by-role, with minimal disruption and training. A phased approach over the next 12 months can make the move smoother and easier for your team to adopt. Our Customer Success team is here to help review your account and make recommendations on your specific transition plan.

Option 2a: Remain on RTA Classic (Long term or switch to Fleet360 later)  

If you prefer to stick with the RTA Classic system, we will continue to support it for the foreseeable future. You can continue to use this system as you do today, but there will be no additional features or functionality released. If you are using Mobile, you’ll need to ditch the tablets and switch back to using just Classic.  

If you decide to migrate to RTA Fleet360 after July 1st, 2025, it will require a hard cutover plan. This means that on the day you choose, you’ll be using Classic, and the next you’ll be on Fleet360. You’ll need your technicians properly trained and ready to use the system prior to that cutover. The benefit is we use the same verbiage and structure, so it’s a short learning curve. 

Option 2b: Switch to a Competitor (Remain on Classic short term)  

One thing I’ve been very proud to always say is that I know you have choices, and I want this to be a fit for you. If you don’t like Fleet360, and aren’t happy with Classic, stay on Classic until you can migrate to a competitor. I know several of them and am happy to make introductions if you’d like. We’ll hate to see you go, but ultimately if we’re not a fit anymore, I don’t want you to feel trapped. That’s not good for anyone.   

All that said, we’re incredibly confident that if you compare Fleet360 to anything in the market today, it wins hands down, especially due to how much input our customers and in-house experts had in its design. We’d hate to see you miss out on that!  

How Do I Make my Selection?  

We’ll be reaching out to each of you over the next few months to help assist your decision, answer any questions you have, and help you plan the move. You can also call in at any time and just let us know. We love talking to you!  

Connect 2024 – Hands-On with Fleet360 and How to Build a Leading Fleet  

This year, Connect focuses on building leading fleets. It will have 9 keynotes and 20+ breakout sessions emphasizing leadership, fleet best practices, and tips and tricks for Fleet360, with abundant hands-on training and experiences in the new system.   

Not only will you get some terrific training on Fleet360, you’ll get a lot of facetime with our new Fleet Success Ambassadors, our RTA Coaches and Trainers, and our RTA Consultants, all of whom are armed and ready to help you overcome the challenges standing in the way of your fleet’s success.   

You don’t need to be an RTA customer to attend, so after you sign up, invite your colleagues! There isn’t another event like this in the fleet space, and they’ll be grateful you thought of them.   

Register here:

Bottom line: RTA is here for you.  

We’re offering weekly webinars on Friday to compare the two options, and answer questions you have about adopting Fleet360.   

We’ve also been hard at work adding more team members to our support and Customer Success teams, so that there’s someone available to answer your questions quickly and on the first try. If you need assistance developing your plan or would like help with your transition, you can email our Customer Success team or call us at (623) 581-2447.  

We also have a short RTA Fleet360 demo providing an overview of navigation and features:


You can register for online RTA Fleet360 Training, which is always free for RTA customers. And of course, we’d love to see you in Atlanta for RTA Connect!  

As the industry has trusted my family for over 45 years to provide leading fleet solutions, I’m honored to continue that tradition while innovating for the next generation. This is an exciting year for RTA, and I look forward to helping you continue your fleet’s success leveraging RTA technology and services.   


Josh Turley, CEO