How to Successfully Handle Change as a Fleet Manager

The fleet industry is constantly changing.
And just when we think we have it figured out – it changes again.
And it’s likely not slowing down anytime soon.
We have to figure out electric vehicles and their infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles, and more.
Our natural response is to avoid change. We have things figured out. We don’t want to have to learn them again.
So how do we handle these changes successfully? Here are a few suggestions:
View change as an opportunity rather than a threat
Obviously, not all change results in improvement, but there can be NO improvement without trying something new.
If you modify your perspective and look at change as an opportunity, it enables the creative part of your brain to discover different ways you can benefit from the change. Without this modification of your perspective, your brain can become paralyzed with fear of new things.
As one meme said, “Just because life gives you a cactus, you don’t have to sit on it.” Quit complaining about it and instead view it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to define how fleet management can be in the future. That simple change in attitude makes a big difference.
Remember your objective
Your objective has not changed: deliver safe, available, compliant, low-cost transportation while maintaining a happy and effective workforce.
You now have new tools and resources to work with. Focus on your objective as you review the new changes. How will they help? What challenges will they present? Write them down so you can review them. By focusing on how your objective can benefit from these changes you will be more excited and successful when adapting.
Use the team
Invite your team to discuss ideas and challenges the changes present. You will be surprised how this opens your own mind to new ideas and opportunities. This will strengthen your team and prepare them to help make the modifications necessary to effectively handle the changes.
Don’t be afraid to fail
It is ok to get it wrong. Failing is often the only way to discover a solution. In many industries they herald the mantra, “Fail early, fail often”. No one likes to fail, but you only fail if you don’t keep going or find another solution. In fact, if you are not failing, perhaps you are not trying hard enough. Don’t let the fear of failing keep you from trying new ideas.
Trust in your experience
Things have changed and much of your experience and expertise may not apply anymore. But you know what it takes to be a successful fleet manager. The principles are the same and you have the ability and experience to see and apply the new changes to ensure you have a successful fleet. Who is in a better position than you to figure it out?
With all this change in the air, it is a good time to become curious and learn as much as you can. It is an exciting time to be in the fleet industry!
To learn how RTA can help your fleet navigate the next chapter, contact us to schedule a demo!