RTA Announces New Logo, Broader Brand

RTA Announces New Logo, Broader Brand

GLENDALE, Ariz., May 3, 2021 – RTA launched a new logo Monday, revealing a more modern design that focuses on helping fleet operations succeed. With it, the company also rebranded itself to RTA instead of RTA Fleet Management Software.

“While we’ve always been RTA Fleet Management Software, this past year we have also started offering an independent DVIR and Inspection app, as well as telematics and camera solutions,” RTA CEO Josh Turley said. “With more products in the works, we knew we’d need to broaden our brand.”

“The other major influence has been this monumental shift in focus that we’ve had over the past three years, from being just RTA Fleet Management Software to being RTA, The Fleet Success Company. Our purpose has literally been ‘We help fleets succeed,’ and we felt it was time that our brand and mission reflect that. Fleet Management Software will still be a cornerstone offering from RTA, but it is really just a part of what we do and how we help fleets find new ways to be successful every day.”

The new, modern logo represents this shift.

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“[The logo is] inspired by Four Peaks, a mountain range east of the Phoenix area where we’re based, and each peak, in turn, represents one of the four pillars of Fleet Success. The road disappearing into the mountain range signifies that this is a journey and a process — not something to achieve overnight — and each of us might be at a different place on that road,” Turley added. 

While the company is rebranding itself, it is also still connected to its roots and 40-years of fleet experience.

“We kept RTA as a nod to our past heritage, from my grandfather, Ron Turley (the RT in RTA) to the RTA name that my dad cemented when he drew our original logo over 30 years ago,” Turley said. 

RTA is now building on its deep fleet experience, robust fleet management software solution, and 5-star customer service to help fleets succeed even further.


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