How to Successfully Rollout New Software to Your Fleet Operation

To keep your fleet operation running efficiently, fleet managers may turn to various types of software to improve the operation’s organization, functionality and daily tasks. This can include fleet management software, accounting tools, scheduling software, and more.

While this software will ultimately help the operation and its staff, rolling out the new tool can be met with hesitation from staff members. Change might not always be welcomed by all employees, and therefore new software should be rolled out strategically.

Follow these tips when rolling out new software to prepare your staff for the new tool.


Get Buy-in from Staff

When introducing new software to your fleet operation, it’s important to get buy-in from the staff. To do this, first make sure that the new tool is solving a need for the operation. This will help staff members appreciate the new software and be more willing to accept changes if they know the long-term benefits.

You can also include your fleet staff in the decision-making process. Fleet managers can ask employees for their input on what types of software to explore and if there is a particular vendor they recommend. Letting them participate in the process can help gain their support.


Take Ownership of the Rollout

To help your staff accept the new software and the processes that go along with it, it’s important for the fleet manager to take ownership of the rollout. This can consist of scheduling the implementations and trainings, creating communications and documentation for staff members, forming new processes, and being available to answer questions.

By owning the rollout process, the fleet manager is making the software a priority for the fleet operation.


Develop Training Documentation

When rolling out new software, it’s important to create training documentation for employees. While the lines of communication should always be open for employees to ask questions and provide feedback, the documentation can act as a quick reference guide for staff members to refer to as they try to complete day-to-day tasks in the software.


Ensure Key Employees are Engaged

To make sure the new software rollout is successful, you should engage the employees who will be using the tool the most. They will have more knowledge of what works well and what needs to be enhanced.  Getting the top users excited about the tool will also help grow acceptance of the software amongst the rest of the staff.

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Create a Pilot Program

Before rolling the new software out to the whole fleet operation, you should first start with a smaller pilot group that can test the software and provide feedback. You can then incorporate their suggestions to improve the tool before rolling it out to the entire operation.


Continue to Make Improvements

The implementation process doesn’t end when you roll out the new software. After your staff starts to use the new tools you should continue to make changes and improvements to help turn the software into a tool that fully benefits your team long-term.

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