Apply Now to Be One of ‘The 100 Best Fleets in the Americas’


Would a prestigious award look good in your office?

Would recognition on Facebook and on a heavily trafficked website help promote your fleet operation?

If so, don’t miss the March 17 deadline to apply to become one of The 100 Best Fleets in the Americas.

The contest is open to all public fleets in North and South America, and the winners will be announced at the NAFA Institute & Expo.

In its 20th year, the “100 Best Fleets” program strives to:

  • Identify outstanding fleet operations for others to emulate.
  • Promote pride in the fleet industry.
  • Provide recognition through press releases, awards and recognition within the larger organization and community that can be leveraged by the winning fleets.
  • Provide recognition within the national fleet community.
  • Promote ever-increasing levels of productivity and operational effectiveness.
  • Encourage more individuals to pursue careers in the fleet industry.

Apply now and get the recognition your fleet operation deserves!


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