Ways to Improve Your Fleet Vehicles’ Miles Per Gallon

Keeping fleet vehicles fueled can be expensive. In fact, fuel is the second-largest expense for fleet operations, according to Automotive-Fleet.com. Because of the high cost, it’s important for fleets to maximize the miles per gallon on each vehicle to save money.

Use these tips to improve your fleet vehicles’ gas mileage.

Keep Your Tires Properly Inflated

According to FuelEconomy.gov, your fleet can improve its gas mileage by an average of 0.6 percent per vehicle – and up to 3 percent in certain circumstances – by keeping tires inflated to the recommended pressure. The website says under-inflated tires can lower gas mileage by about 0.2 percent for every 1psi drop in tire pressure.

Reduce Speeding

Monitoring your fleet drivers’ speed can help increase your vehicle’s gas mileage. According to FuelEconomy.gov, gas mileage decreases quickly when vehicles travel over 50 mph. The website states that every 5 mph you drive over 50 mpg can add about $0.19 per gallon for gas.

Turn Down the AC

ConsumerReports.org recommends reducing a vehicle’s air conditioning usage to increase gas mileage. The website claims that a vehicle will get 1 to 4 miles less per gallon when operating with the air conditioning running.

Reduce Idling

When a driver leaves his or her vehicle idling, it can waste fuel and lower the vehicle’s gas mileage. WorkTruckOnline.com states that when a vehicle is idling, it’s getting 0 mpg, which can hurt the asset’s average. The website also says that according to the U.S. Department of Energy, more than 6 billion gallons of fuel are wasted each year by idling vehicles.

Telematics tools can help fleet operations detect and monitor when vehicles are idling. This can help fleet managers address the issue with drivers if the problem gets excessive.

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