Tech Tip: Creating New Users in RTA


Tech Tip: Creating New Users in RTA

Do you have new RTA Fleet Management Software users you need to set up in your system? Follow the tips below from our Support team to get new Hosted Users and RTA Program Users added, as well as view best practices for how to set up multiple new users.

Setting Up an RTA Program User

After launching RTA, an administrator can create a new program user by going to System > Setup Users > File Maintenance. This area requires a Level 3 password to continue, as it deals with sensitive user access information.

Enter in the new username and select ADD.

You will be prompted to use another user as a template to create this new user. To utilize a template, click YES and select the user you want to replicate. If you’d prefer to start from scratch, click NO.

Follow the prompts as you tab through the user setup, paying attention to the Access Rights in the lower half of the screen. By checking a box, you grant this user access to that area. Unchecking restricts access. (ie. Can the user “Delete a Vehicle”? Checked = Yes, Unchecked = No)

(Best Practice: Before finalizing the user, click on the FACILITY ACCESS option in the top-menu and ensure that the user has full access/read-only access to the proper facilities. Otherwise, when they log in for the first time, access may be denied.)

When the new user’s profile is finished, click Save and Exit.

Adding a Hosted User ID (RTA SaaS Clients):

Creating a hosted user provides an employee access to the RTA server to launch the RTA program and sign in. All areas within the hosted user profile must be completed for a user to launch RTA and/or have access to the RTA Mobile Application.

To begin, go to as one with the proper administrative rights and sign in using your RTA Hosted User ID and password. The following page will prompt:

Click on Admin > Users to create/edit user profiles.

To add a new user, select ADD at the top of the screen.

When prompted for a User ID, please generate a new username. The site will automatically place “” after the username you generate. When you go to the next line, RTA will check that username’s availability. As all RTA Hosted clients share an environment, the new username must be unique to the new user.

Fill out the First name, Last name, Password (confirmation) and enter the desktop username previously created from within the RTA program in step 1. Entering the Email is optional. Then, click Save.

Before the user is complete, you must all select the Licensing type, and the Company Access role. 

When you’re done, hit Save.

Additional information on creating a new Hosted User ID can be found at

(Best Practice: When creating either the RTA Program User or the Hosted User ID, notate any username/password information and communicate it to the user immediately, along with steps for logging into RTA.)