RTA Connect Speaker Spotlight: Randy Fox

Randy Fox knows about winning. Fox, who is slated to be a guest speaker at RTA Connect 2019, has enjoyed a 20-year career as a corporate leader and NCAA basketball official.

An NCAA women’s basketball official since 1995, Fox has spent his career witnessing how good teamwork can result in success. Now he’s using his experience to help professionals learn how to win as a team.

Fox believes the key to winning involves the following:

  • Becoming a trusted team through seeing the power in appreciating and placing hope in one another
  • Valuing the importance of respect and authentic relationships
  • Understanding how the attitude and approach of each person can affect the team’s results
  • Learning how each person excelling at his or her role is critical to a team’s ongoing success

He will use these points at RTA Connect in Orlando, March 11-15, to help fleet operations better function as a team to increase their success.

Fox is a member of the National Speakers Association and has authored several leadership and teamwork books, including: A Leader Worth Following, Refined by Fire and Soul on Fire, Game Plan and You’re Missing a Great Game.


Interested in seeing Randy Fox speak? Register today to join us at RTA Connect 2019.

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