BMPs of Establishing A Fleet Management Program


Preparing an understandable path to implementing a fleet management software program guarantees a successful journey throughout the process.

Head down the right track and establish a program that works for your operation.  Let RTA show you a few tips to help implement the right solutions to ensure your fleet operation’s success!


Conduct A Self-Audit

Undergoing audits are not always the first thing on our want-to-do list, however, they are extremely important and beneficial to any organization.  Discover outstanding items that must be addressed.  Learn responsibilities of each staff member within the fleet management department.  Understand each person’s level of accountability.

Are processes as efficient as they should or could be?  Are effective policies and procedures in place – or have they yet to be implemented?  How is work performed in-house or outsourced?  Who is held accountable and how is the work documented?

Apply knowledge gained to move forward with your plan.  It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers following an audit.  At least you’ll know where the department stands, what is going right, what needs improvement, and a direction in which to move forward.


Discover Solutions/Address Problems

Following an audit, prioritize areas that need improvement.  Understand what is working and what is not.  Continue improving on items that are working and focus on improving the more troublesome areas.

Are employees not utilizing time as efficient as they should?  Are inventories up-to-date or are parts in stock that are seldom used?  Having the right parts on hand are essential to any shop’s overall performance.  Is a solid preventive maintenance program in place?  Are warranties being tracked full-circle?  Are processes in place to hold employees accountable?

Addressing areas that need improvement take time and planning.  Having the right software can assist in discovering solutions to increase operational efficiency.


Understanding Internal Structure

Understanding not only your department’s make-up, but also each department within the overall operation, will go a long way in making fleet operations and all employees successful.  Each department is a piece of the overall puzzle and operating in sync daily drives the success of the company.

When the company is successful, so are the employees.  When the employees are successful, so is the company.  A fleet operation is the lifeline to any organization.  Knowing goals of each area, how they fit together and rely on one another, ensures a thorough understanding of the service fleet maintenance provides to its ‘customers’.


Buy-In At All Levels

No one in the fleet maintenance area knows more than the staff fulfilling the daily requirements.  However, does your departmental manager understand the importance of fleet maintenance?  What about the purchasing director, finance manager, president, IT department, or CEO?  Do they understand the necessity and urgency of having a properly managed fleet management program and how it affects the bottom line?  Do they really know what it is that your team does day-in-day-out?  As a manager, how do you communicate this to your bosses?

Engaging those involved in the budget management and overall operational processes of the organization on a routine basis goes a long way in obtaining support and buy-in when a purchase decision must be determined.  They need to know implementing the right program will save the company money and improve efficiencies and accountability.  Get buy-in on the front end – they will support you all the way!


Then….You and Your Program Become Successful

Implementing a fleet management software program will cut the chaos, organize and streamline your program, and make you a success!  Know the status of each vehicle and asset in real time.  Maintain inventories.  Track warranties full-circle.  Having a centralized data system allows you to obtain any information you want with just a few clicks.

You have the drive, passion, and integrity to be successful, now let’s implement and apply these great traits to your organization.  Experience connections with staff on a whole new level.  Communication is the key and with an operational fleet management software system, your data is up-to-date in real time.  Don’t continue with the mundane routines – start with the right fleet management software system and become a success!

Putting the puzzle together piece-by-piece ensures your fleet maintenance program is on the right track to success!

Let RTA do the work.  Experience a successful fleet management program with RTA!


Contact RTA Fleet Management Software today to schedule a free demo.


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