
4 Ways to Develop Better Fleet Drivers


Drivers are crucial to the success of fleet operations. Without reliable, safe drivers, operations can’t be efficient or profitable.

To ensure drivers are performing well on the road, it’s important for operations to develop their skills. Get tips below on how fleet operations can monitor driver behaviors to enhance their performances.


Identify Bad Driver Behaviors

One way to help drivers improve behind-the-wheel is by identifying bad driver behaviors.

A common issue amongst all drivers, not just fleet drivers, is distracted driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), 3,450 people were killed by distracted driving accidents in 2016. One of the main causes of distracted driving is cell phone use. Fleets can help curb these incidents by identifying employees who drive distracted and provide education on the risks and laws around cell phone use while driving.

Other bad-driver behaviors fleets should curb include speeding, sudden braking and idling. Speeding and sudden braking are unsafe behaviors that can put fleet drivers and others on the road at risk. Excessive idling can cost fleet operations in wasted fuel.

These behaviors can be identified through GPS and telematics tools. Operations can install these systems in vehicles to track driver performances and get alerts on unsafe behaviors.


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 Train Drivers

Fleets should create a training program for all drivers to undergo on a regular basis. Even if drivers enter the position with necessary certification and licenses, fleet operations should ensure they are all trained on the policies and rules of the individual fleet. This gives operations an opportunity to address particular safety areas the operation wants to prioritize and reinforce.

Enforce Laws, Rules and Company Policies

Fleet operations should hold drivers accountable for following all federal and local traffic laws, in addition to company rules and policies. Enforcing these regulations and making drivers face consequences for not following them will help ensure drivers are following safety precautions.

Operations should make handbooks with all company policies readily available to drivers. Key rules should also be displayed visually around the operation and in vehicles to create more emphasis and awareness.

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Use Data to Track Driver Performance

To ensure drivers are operating vehicles safely and efficiently, fleet managers can use data to monitor driver performances.

Using fleet management software and fuel tracking tools, managers can monitor the amount of fuel each driver is using and compare it to his or her output.

Managers can also track driver accidents and incidents to determine how safe the driver is being.

Keeping this data will not only help individual driver issues, but it can also identify trends that should be addressed through additional training.


Find out how RTA Fleet Management Software can help provide solutions to better monitor your drivers by contacting us today to schedule a free demo


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