RTA Welcomes Back Users At Its Annual Conference

RTA Welcomes Back Users At Its Annual Conference

As Josh Turley officially opened RTA Connect 2021, he had a message we’ve all become very familiar with: “Welcome back.”

After a long pandemic-ridden year RTA was able to gather with users from across the country in Las Vegas on Oct. 5-7 for its 31st annual users’ conference.

For the first time, the conference was offered both in-person and online for those attendees who were not able to travel to Las Vegas.

There were also other “firsts” this year:

  • The conference was held over three days instead of five.
  • It featured a live recording of the new, hit podcast “The Fleet Success Show.”
  • And the conference focused on a new theme – Defining Fleet Success.

Along with training classes on how to use the RTA system and sessions on best practices and fleet industry trends, the event focused on helping fleets succeed.

“What makes a fleet successful?” Turley asked during his keynote. “We’ve asked several people to define ‘fleet success.’ There was no standard definition of what it means for fleets to succeed.”

So, Turley, his colleagues and other fleet professionals established a definition for Fleet Success earlier this year: Achieving a balanced mastery of Stakeholder Satisfaction, Intentional Culture, Resource Efficiency and Risk Management in your fleet operation.

RTA offered classes throughout the week on each of the four pillars so attendees could dive deeper into the four areas and take home tips for how to achieve these at their operation.

Fleet Hall of Famer Steve Saltzgiver presented the other keynote address at RTA Connect 2021, focusing on what key metrics fleets should track at their operation, and how to use those metrics to their benefit.

Turley closed out the conference by reviewing the work RTA has done on the RTA Mobile app, the eDVIR app RTA Inspect, and continued desktop improvements. He then looked ahead to what RTA will be working on over the next year, focusing on improving RTA Web to get it on par – and even above – the RTA Mobile app.

Turley also previewed some exciting projects RTA is working on to help fleets succeed. Later this year it will release a book dedicated to defining fleet success and the four pillars. RTA will also hold a Fleet Success Summit in 2022.

The conference ended on an inspirational note as Turley reflected on the challenges everyone has overcome throughout the past 18 months during the COVID-19 pandemic. He added that how we each respond to future challenges – both in our personal lives and at work – is what defines us.

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