RTA Launches Client Advisory Board

RTA is pleased to announce the launch of its first-ever Client Advisory Board.  A representative group of RTA users from across the country have committed to meet with RTA management on a continual basis to provide feedback and input on products and services.

As RTA continues to grow, it is necessary to provide opportunities for customized input from its client base.  RTA receives important feedback from its focus group at the Annual User’s Conference and wanted to expand this dialog to occur on a more frequent basis.

As RTA continues to move itself forward as a leader in fleet management software, they often want to know how clients feel about various improvements happening behind the scenes. RTA’s CEO Josh Turley states, “In the past, we’ve answered questions from feedback gathered at our annual user’s conference, but that only comes once a year. We discovered that, in reality, some questions require immediate feedback.

RTA wants to receive a variety of responses from various industries and sizes on a more frequent basis to establish how internal decisions affect everyone.  In order to accomplish this, the RTA Client Advisory Board was launched.”

Board members actively participate in conference calls and surveys. In addition to general discussions about advancements in fleet and where the industry is headed, topics also include discussion on RTA software features in progress, technology in development, on-going training, marketing, and overall operation.

Members participate for one year, after which they could re-apply, or step down to let someone else fill their seat.  Josh confirms, “This is new for us and we all are learning as we go.  Staff and management felt establishing a Client Advisory Board was a great way to gain immediate feedback and ultimately drive us to make better decisions on how we serve each client, while giving our users more of a voice in how we run our company.”

RTA remains committed to being a valued partner with its clients by providing annual software updates, outstanding customer service, and user-friendly products followed up with on-going training and networking opportunities to continue building successful clients worldwide.

Look for updates from the Client Advisory Board as RTA progresses with its commitment to quality and unwavering customer service.

Interested in serving a term on the Client Advisory Board? Let us hear from you.

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