New Year, New You: How to Improve Your Fleet Management Skills in 2020

Are you ending 2019 wishing you had done more to improve yourself as a fleet manager? If so, don’t fret. A new year is just around the corner. But before you end 2020 the same way you did this year, it’s important to create a plan to improve your fleet management skills next year.

Incorporating some of these tips will help enhance your overall management and leadership abilities:

Read More

Reading books and articles on leadership and management can provide new ideas you can incorporate into your operation. It’s important to find an author that you can relate to and who has ideas that you can realistically use in your day-to-day job. These can help you work better with your staff and develop new strategies.

Find a Mentor

It’s important to have someone you can go to for guidance and advice when you need it. Finding a mentor who has experience in your industry or in your role can be an excellent resource. This person can give you ideas, provide an opinion and advice as needed. This should be someone who you can learn from and who can help you expand your skills.

Improve Your Time Management Skills

As a fleet manager, you are likely always pressed for time to get all of the day-to-day tasks completed. To help improve your schedule and reduce your stress level, try to improve your time management skills in the new year. This can help create efficiencies and open up time on your schedule to ensure the most important work gets done first.

Network More

Networking can help you and your fleet operation. Look for local, regional and national industry groups to join. These groups can help improve your knowledge of the industry and provide you with new ideas to try with your fleet operation.

Continue Your Education

The fleet industry is always changing. To make sure you are updated on the latest trends, technology and techniques, it’s important to keep up with training. Try to find classes or seminars to attend next year that will help keep you abreast of the latest in the industry.

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

According to, it’s important to develop an emotional intelligence to be a successful manager. Being able to perceive and understand the emotions of your staff and others around you will make you a better manager. According to, this will let you pick up on employees’ needs and build deeper relationships with them.

Improve Your Leadership Skills

As a fleet manager, you are the leader of your fleet operation. Enhancing your leadership skills through reading, seminars and hands-on work will help you be an even better manager and lead your team to more success in the future.

Participate in Team Activities

As the fleet manager, it’s important for your team to know you are aligned with them. According to, participating in staff activities and joining in on team-building events will help you bond with your staff, earn their trust, and will show your employees you are there alongside them to achieve the operation’s goals.

To learn how RTA Fleet Management Software can help make your job as a fleet manager easier, contact us today to schedule a demo!

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