How Fleet Managers Save Fleets Money

Along with best practices, there are small, operational changes that can exponentially save money for fleets over time with the assistance and use of an efficient and effective fleet software management system.
These practices include:
Maximizing Warranty Recovery
Many fleets miss out on thousands of dollars per year in unclaimed warranties. In fact, the return on warranty time investment is often as high as 20:1, making it one of the most profitable operations in a shop.
Collecting warranty is typically worth $340-$420 per vehicle during the first seven to eight years of life.
Advancing Preventive Maintenance
A fleet manager must put together a complete preventive maintenance program that utilizes:
- An efficient form and system
- An accurate schedule
- A quality control program
The goal of effective preventive maintenance is to minimize costs caused by breakdowns and unscheduled time in the shop with regular vehicle and equipment maintenance checks.
Similarly, well-planned maintenance checks ensure time is not wasted on redundant scheduled maintenance.
By putting a preventive maintenance program in place, 3 to 8 hours are saved for every 1 hour of PM (preventive maintenance) invested. This is mostly because items are often repaired in conjunction with the PM, resulting in vehicles or equipment that does not have to be worked on multiple times between inspections.
An advanced PM system spends 50% of its time on PM, which leads to less road calls, drop-ins or unscheduled maintenance.
Managing Tire Expenses
Tire expense is the third greatest expenditure of most fleets, typically following fuel and payroll. As a fleet manager, monitoring tire inflation, alignment and pressure can save thousands of dollars.
Running a tire just 10% overloaded, for example, can rob the user of 16% of its tire life, meaning a $200 tire will only deliver a $168 service. Additionally, for every half of an inch out of alignment, a tire is dragged sideways for 28 feet per mile driven. What’s more?
Fuel consumption from low tires costs more than the actual waste of tires due to low pressure. Keeping track of tire data with a fleet management software can save a considerable amount of money.
Leverage RTA’s experience and learn how your shop can save money. With quick and easy implementation, you’ll be well on your way to improving your bottom line right from the start.