Over 2 Dozen Ways to Correctly Define Process

Ron Turley Associates (RTA) was developed to simply make fleets better.  Being passionate about efficiency within fleet maintenance, Ron Turley created an effective process for fleet operators.  Ask yourself how RTA's scalable process can fit into your own.  First, let's take a look at defining 'process'.

Process (re-) Defined

Process can be defined as the performance of a series of mechanical operations on something in order to change or preserve. However, when diving deeper, this can also include: enjoy, experience, maintain, occupy, journey, accomplishments, assembly, composition, computer, make, mold, put together, care for, guard, secure, sustain, uphold, arrange, compile, design, engage, formulate, prioritize, schedule, purify, examine, and choose.  A vivid picture of the outcomes desired by an effective process has just been painted.

Implementing Processes

Implementing a process is ultimately a journey, not always a one-time task.  A journey of discovery, trial and error, improvement, leading to success.  Prior to implementation of a new policy or procedure, employee buy-in must occur.  Throwing a new set of rules and changing the game without warning generally does not sit well with staff.  Communication and understanding are key to a successful implementation process.  Examine how communication flows within your organization and put yourself in your staff's shoes.  Does the process make sense, did they have input into the matter, how quickly will we be able to implement this process - are just a few of the questions that must be answered.

Fine Tuning Processes

As a manager, it's important to continually review processes and procedures to ensure safety is the number one priority in front of production. Continual communication is key to achieve optimal results.  Have multiple options of receiving feedback.  Advise employees on the processes of communication and preferred methods.  Hold routine meetings to review processes and procedures and encourage employee feedback.  Staff are those sitting on the front lines and in the trenches and are expected to fulfill management's process goals.

Measuring Process Performance

Having the necessary data to support decisions to identify areas of the process which need improvement is paramount to success.  Performance measures reveal strengths and weaknesses and help managers make the case for more resources when needed.  Using a metric to evaluate the success of virtually any process, provides the data needed to develop benchmarks for improvement.  "What gets measured, gets done."—Anonymous

“Challenge industry and internal norms, promote appropriate change, and execute flawlessly against approved change to actualize value. If we, as fleet  managers, don’t challenge the current norms and promote change, then others will do it for us.” —Fred Turco, Global Head of Fleet for Pfizer

When delivering a poor product or service, the customer's dissatisfaction rating dramatically increases.  Should this ever happen, take a look at the processes and procedures established within the organization.

RTA Fleet software is designed around these practices and strive to continually improve, update, and add to our product to equip clients to be even better fleet managers.

(c) 2017 Ron Turley Associates, Inc. | www.rtafleet.com | (800) 279-0549