
Benefits of Using Dashboards, Alerts and Emails

Trying to stay on top of the ins and outs of a fleet operation is a hefty task for fleet managers. There are costs to monitor, vehicle usage and maintenance to track, and staff members to manage and train. Therefore, tools that can let fleet managers quickly check on the status of their operation can help streamline the day-to-day work.

Learn more about how dashboards, alerts and emails can help fleet managers better monitor their operation.



During the rush of the day-to-day grind, fleet managers don’t always have time to run reports in their fleet management system. When in a hurry, they need important information available at their fingertips. This is where dashboards benefit managers. They can set up dashboards in their fleet management software system to pull the most important data they want to track. This gives managers real-time access to vital information that is quickly and easily accessible.


Caution, Alert, Warning Photo Courtesy of



Tools allow managers to set up alerts to quickly notify them of important occurrences. Through RTA’s solution, fleet leaders can set up alerts on their dashboards to inform them of important occurrences or thresholds. These can include setting up alerts for Work Orders that have remained open for a certain number of days, or PMs that are past due, among others. Fleet managers can set the alerts on the data they determine is most important to know immediately.


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When fleet managers are busy, it can be difficult to remember to run daily, weekly and monthly reports. To make it easier, some reporting solutions will allow users to set up regular reports to be delivered via email at each selected time period. Having the reports delivered to fleet managers’ inboxes will help make the information more accessible for quick reference. This will allow managers to be notified of issues that need their attention.


To learn how RTA Fleet Management Software’s solution can provide dashboards and reporting tools to benefit your operation, contact us today to schedule a free demo.

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