Benefits of Integrating Driver Inspections into Your FMIS


To protect fleet drivers and others on the roadways, the Department of Transportation mandates that fleet drivers complete inspections on their vehicles before and after routes to ensure the assets are safe to be on the road.

These inspections can discover key issues with the vehicles that need to be documented in a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR). This allows the problems to be noted and repaired.

While it’s beneficial to have these reports, it’s even more advantageous if the report is integrated into the operation’s fleet management software system. Syncing driver inspections to the FMIS can provide the following benefits:

Add information directly into the vehicle’s records: If issues are found during an inspection, it’s important to add them to the asset’s records so the repairs are listed in the vehicle’s history. Syncing the DVIR to the software solution allows the information to be added into the vehicle files.

Have the information accessible by the technicians: When a driver finds an issue during an inspection, he or she needs to convey the information to the technicians to determine the extent of the problem. If the DVIR app syncs with the FMIS, the technicians can access the driver’s report directly from the software in real-time and determine the extent of the issue. This allows the technicians to prepare for the repairs and gather the necessary parts before the vehicle arrives in the shop.

Quickly create work orders: When issues are discovered that need to be repaired, operations can quickly create work orders, assign technicians to the repairs and ensure the necessary parts are on-hand, all from the fleet management software system.

Store all of the information in one place: If DVIRs are completed on paper forms or in an application that’s not connected to the fleet management software, it can create extra work for the operation to perform double data-entry, or keep track of the information in a separate location.

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