7 Mid-Year Tips for Fleet Managers

As the year’s second quarter comes to a close, fleet operations can reflect on what they’ve accomplished so far and what still needs to be done before the end of the year.

Get tips on what fleet managers can review at the mid-year mark to close out a successful 2019.

Review Goals

The mid-year point is a good time for fleet managers to review the goals they set at the beginning of the year. This will help identify how the operation is pacing on accomplishing its goals. This also provides the opportunity to remove goals that are no longer a priority for the operation or add goals to account for new initiatives the operation wants to accomplish before the end of the year.

Schedule Mid-Year Reviews with Staff Members

Fleet managers should schedule check-in meetings with staff members to address their performances over the first half of the year and to review their individual goals. Managers can use this time as an opportunity to discuss the employee’s priorities for the rest of the year or talk about future opportunities within the operation.

Assess Fleet Operation’s Status

 Managers should review the data, financials and other metrics he or she collects and analyze the results to determine how the fleet is performing overall. The manager can determine if the fleet is performing as expected or if changes need to be made.

Identify What’s Not Working

Managers should take an honest look at the entire operation and determine what is not working. This can include staffing, processes, training, or anything that is affecting the overall productivity and efficiency of the fleet operation.

Check the Budget

Fleet managers should determine how the fleet operation is operating against budget. This will provide him or her with information to decide if expenses need to be cut, if any projects need to be delayed due to cost, or if there is more room in the budget for additional spending.

Ask for Feedback

Soliciting feedback from staff members can provide fleet managers with a broader range of opinions and ideas on what changes the operation can make to improve the workplace and the fleet’s overall success.

Determine Staffing Needs

Fleet managers can use the mid-year point to assess the operation’s staffing. Are more positions needed? If so, to fulfill what roles? Are there roles that are no longer needed? Should employees be shifted to new positions? The fleet manager can weigh the fleet’s overall success and goals against staffing plans.


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