
6 Ways to Train Technicians to Benefit Your Fleet Operation

By Mary Gerard, Content Marketing Manager

Fleet operations are becoming more and more complex. There is new technology to integrate, and the presence of electric and autonomous vehicles is becoming more common.

With these added complexities, and the constant need to ensure your shop is working as efficiently as possible, it’s essential to make sure your technicians are properly trained. 

Whether you are providing new training on how to use new software or technology, or are providing ongoing training to ensure your techs’ skills remain top-notch, there are numerous methods of training your staff. 

On-the-job training

One of the most effective ways to train your shop staff is through on-the-job training. There are many ways to implement this. One way is to have new employees work alongside experienced mechanics who can show them the ropes and help them develop their skills. You can also use on-the-job training when teaching new skills to your whole staff. You can send a handful of technicians through formal training and then have them teach the rest of your technicians.

Online training

There are many online training programs available that can help your staff improve their skills. This can include classes on technician skills, as well as on software programs the operation is using. Numerous telematics and fleet management software vendors provide training sessions for users to ensure they are utilizing the programs correctly. With new technology, technicians can also take virtual and online shop classes to enhance their skills. One of the biggest benefits of these programs is they can be completed on their own time, making it easy for your staff to fit training into their busy schedules and demanding jobs.

Classroom training

For technicians who prefer hands-on learning, classroom training can be an effective way to teach your staff new skills – or review existing techniques. This can be done in-house or through external training programs. You can send your technicians to a local tech school for training, or you can hire an expert to come into your shop to work with several techs at once. If technicians are pursuing certifications, they might also be interested in attending classes off-site with a certified instructor. 

Coaching to Train Technicians

Regular coaching sessions can be an effective way to help your staff develop their skills. This involves one-on-one sessions with a manager or supervisor who can provide feedback and guidance. You can set up a mentorship program at your shop to pair veteran employees with new hires. If needed, you can also look outside of your department, or even at other operations. This gives your employees someone to seek out if they have questions and can help set a career path for them. This can also benefit supervisors and managers, as they can enhance their knowledge of a skill while teaching it to others. 


Cross-training involves teaching your staff how to perform tasks in different areas of the shop. This can help them develop a broader range of skills and be more versatile. This can assist fleet managers with succession planning, as it will show who has skills in other roles. 


Providing incentives, such as bonuses or prizes, can be an effective way to motivate your staff to improve their skills. Fleet operations can set up an internal training or certification programs technicians need to follow to earn financial rewards or prizes. They can also entice their techs to complete an outside certification to boost their knowledge and the shop’s credibility and productivity. 

With an ever-changing fleet industry, it’s crucial to keep an operation’s shop staff abreast of all new changes and technology. Coupled with the need to repair a wider variety of vehicles faster and cheaper, it’s essential to have well-trained technicians. Fleet operations should explore a diverse set of training options, from in-house training to off-site programs, to ensure their techs are up to speed on all new techniques. This will benefit them as they look to advance their careers and will be advantageous to the operation with faster and higher quality repairs. 

Learn how RTA’s fleet management software can improve your shop management program. Schedule a free demo of our solution, and check out our ongoing training opportunities and events