
5 Things to Consider When Purchasing Fleet Vehicles

Whether starting a new fleet or replacing assets, at some point all fleet operations will need to purchase vehicles. What kind of asset depends on each operation and its needs. Take a look below at five things fleets should consider when purchasing new vehicles.

Semi-truck, truck, trailer, Photo Courtesy of

 What’s the Intended Use?

Before an operation can determine what kind of vehicle is right for its fleet, it must first determine how the assets will need to be used. Will the vehicles be used to transport goods or passengers? Will the vehicles be taking long cross-country trips, or will they be used locally? How often will the assets be used? Will the vehicles be driven by mainly one driver, or many?

The answers to these questions will help determine what types of vehicles will work best for each fleet.

Correction Curves Source: GPS Insight

 Requests and Capabilities

When selecting fleet vehicles, operations need to determine what capabilities and technologies the new assets should have. Two areas fleets should consider are fuel economy and GPS integration options.

With options on the market for electric and fuel-efficient vehicles, operations should consider if investing in a fuel-efficient vehicle is right for them, and their budget. Operations should also look at the logistics of owning different types of fuel-efficient vehicles, including the lengths of routes, the availability of charging stations, and the ability to support and maintain the vehicle.

The ability to integrate GPS and telematics tools should also be considered before selecting vehicles. GPS and telematics tools can help operations monitor driving behaviors, routes, traffic, and issues with the vehicle. These can help operations run more efficiently and safely. For companies that want to utilize these tools, they should ensure the vehicles they are purchasing have the ability to integrate the tools.



Safety is one of the biggest requirements fleets should consider when purchasing new vehicles. Operations should ensure the assets they obtain have working and updated safety features to protect their drivers and others on the road. Companies should also research the safety ratings of each make and model of vehicle before making a purchase.


Operations need to make sure the vehicles they purchase can be properly maintained by their staff. While getting vehicles with the latest technology might be great for many reasons, if the current technicians aren’t trained on how to maintain the vehicle then the operation will first need to determine how to account for repairs, and any costs that might come with those. Operations should also look at the availability of parts to keep the vehicles running. If parts are expensive or hard to find, that type of vehicle might not be a practical purchase for the fleet.



The final buying decision for a lot of fleets can come down to budget. Fleets need to purchase vehicles they can afford – both to buy initially and to maintain over the asset’s lifespan.


To learn how RTA Fleet Management Software can help your operation track its vehicles, contact us today to schedule a free demo.