10 Reasons your Company Needs Fleet Management Software




In any industry that involves fleet management, there are real benefits in utilizing quality fleet management software.  RTA’s software allows you to properly monitor and manage all areas of your business, save thousands on overhead costs, and deliver top quality service to your customers.

Here are 10 ways RTA’s Fleet Management Software can help your operation:

1. Manage Equipment and Vehicles

RTA’s software provides the ability for you to track and manage all of your equipment and vehicles.  This is crucial for preventative maintenance and in knowing when certain equipment needs to be replaced.  Our system will automatically track repair history, the cost per mile, vehicle replacement and procurement, and previous inspections.

In addition to technical equipment needs, our software system will also automatically track license and insurance information, past work orders, warranty information, vehicle usage, customer billing, and manufacturer reports.

Keeping an accurate status on all aspects of your fleet will allow you to effectively manage all of your equipment, stay up to date on important equipment records, and know when equipment needs to be replaced.  Being able to track all of this information automatically will save you money as well as valuable time.

2. Parts Inventory

While it is imperative to be able to properly manage all of your equipment, it is equally as important to manage all of your parts. This can often be one of the more time consuming responsibilities of fleet management.

Luckily for you, RTA’s fleet management system has modules in place to track and manage all the parts in your inventory.  RTA’s software allows for automatic and manual part re-ordering, the ability to number and cross-reference parts, and the ability to track vendors, order history, and part usage.

Our software also provides a comparison of component performance analysis, order history, account code tracking, MSDS image storage, and warranty tracking.  This highly efficient parts inventory management system allows you to devote your time to other areas of your business.

3.  Work orders

Tracking past work orders is a great way to stay organized and deliver excellent customer service.  RTA’s fleet management software provides templates for work orders, tracking, PO tracking, customer billing information, warranty tracking on specific orders, time clock information, and paperless inspections.

4.  Purchase Orders

Maintain purchase orders in an efficient and productive manner with PO tracking, information on invoice returns, bar code support, tracking vendors, and receipts tracked through account numbers.  Our software provides all of this and will help sort and itemize your purchase orders.

5.  Motor Pool

RTA’s motor pool module allows for reservations, both new and recurring, as well as standard check-in and check-out features.  Our system is also designed to accommodate more complex rates like hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc. Billing generation is available for all internal departments and for customers.

6.  Shop Technician Management

While our system helps to manage your fleet equipment, parts, and orders, it is also useful in helping to manage your fleet system as a whole to also include your employees. Increase the productivity and performance of your shop through time card tracking and printing, time accountability, and tracking both direct and indirect labor time.

7.   Tire Management

Tire management is one of the most crucial aspects in maintaining a healthy fleet.  Our software will track tire history, PSI, cost per mile, tread depth, size, and purchasing information.  It will also track leasing and warranties as well as providing vital information such as reports with predictive failure analysis.

8.  Fuel Management

One of the largest expenses in maintaining your fleet is fuel.  Managing your fuel usage, transactions, and costs will help save your business a significant amount each year.  Our software will track fuel delivery, costs, and usage to help you evaluate best practices.  RTA’s software also generates information on fuel tax reporting (IFTA) and customer or department billing information.

9.  Security

Like most people, you probably understand the need these days to have effective security.  Sensitive data and customer information should be protected; RTA’s fleet management software has a mutli-level data security mechanism, password encryption, and the option to limit user access.  RTA’s software is top of the line when it comes to data protection and company security.

10.  Training Data

While saving money on managing your fleet means utilizing efficient  mechanisms to manage your equipment, materials, and security, it also means effective management of your employees and staff.

Our software system will provide you with important information on which departments are producing better than others, labor and field costs, and which areas of your fleet need improving.  Having the necessary data and information to make needed changes will help you to improve the overall success of your company.

Contact RTA Fleet today and find out if our management software is right for you!